Password based Door Lock System using Arduino and Keypad.


Components Used

1. Arduino Board Serves as the brain of the system, controlling the operation of the door lock mechanism.

2. Ultrasonic Sensor Detects the presence of a person in front of the door and triggers the system.

3. Motor Driver Controls the movement of the door lock mechanism, allowing it to lock and unlock.

4. Keypad Provides the interface for entering the access code to unlock the door.

5. LCD Display Displays messages and prompts to the user during operation.

6. Relay Controls the electronic door lock mechanism, enabling it to lock and unlock the door.

System Operation

1. Initialization Upon power-up, the system initializes and displays a welcome message on the LCD.

2. User Authentication The user is prompted to enter the access code using the keypad.

3. Access Control If the entered code matches the predefined access code, the system unlocks the door by activating the relay.

4. Security Features The system includes security features such as a timeout mechanism and multiple failed attempt lockout to prevent unauthorized access.

5. Feedback and Alerts The LCD provides feedback to the user regarding the status of the system, such as successful/unsuccessful attempts and system errors.

Installation and Setup

  • Hardware Installation Connect the components according to the provided wiring diagram.
  • Software Configuration Upload the Arduino sketch provided in the blog post to the Arduino board.
  • Testing Test the system to ensure proper functionality and adjust settings as necessary.


  • Enhanced Security The keypad interface provides an additional layer of security beyond traditional lock-and-key systems.
  • Customization Users can easily change the access code and adjust system parameters to suit their needs.
  • User-Friendly Interface The keypad and LCD display make the system easy to use for both residents and visitors.
  • Versatility The system can be adapted for use in various applications, including homes, offices, and commercial establishments.


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