IoT Water PUMP Management System with ESP8266 and


In the era of IoT (Internet of Things), the integration of sensors, microcontrollers, and cloud platforms offers innovative solutions for efficient water management. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the development of an IoT water management system using ESP8266 and

Components Used

1. ESP8266 Serves as the main IoT gateway, enabling communication between sensors and the platform.

2. Ultrasonic Sensor Measures the water level in the tank to monitor water usage.

3. Temperature and Humidity Sensor Provides environmental data to ensure optimal conditions for water storage.

4. Water Pump Facilitates automatic and manual control of water flow based on tank level and user preferences.

5. DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Monitors the temperature of the water to prevent freezing or overheating.

6. Vibration Sensor Detects the operation status of the water pump to ensure smooth functioning.

Project Setup

1. ESP8266 Configuration Configure the ESP8266 module to connect to your Wi-Fi network and establish communication with

2. Sensor Integration Connect the ultrasonic sensor, temperature and humidity sensor, DS18B20 temperature sensor, and vibration sensor to the ESP8266 board.

3. Setup Create devices, dashboards, and widgets in to visualize and control sensor data.

4. Data Transmission Program the ESP8266 to send sensor data to using MQTT or HTTP protocols.

Key Features

1. Tank Level Monitoring Monitor the water level in the tank in real-time using the ultrasonic sensor, enabling efficient water management.

2. Environmental Monitoring Track temperature and humidity levels to ensure optimal conditions for water storage and prevent spoilage.

3. Water Pump Control Automatically turn the water pump on or off based on tank level, as well as allow manual control via the dashboard.

4. Temperature Monitoring Monitor the temperature of the water to prevent freezing in cold weather or overheating in hot conditions.

5. Vibration Detection Detect the operation status of the water pump using the vibration sensor to ensure smooth functioning and detect malfunctions.


  • Water Conservation Efficiently manage water usage by monitoring tank levels and controlling the water pump based on demand.
  • Remote Monitoring and Control Monitor sensor data and control the water pump remotely using the dashboard from anywhere with an internet connection.
  • Preventive Maintenance Detect malfunctions in the water pump early using the vibration sensor, allowing for timely maintenance and preventing costly repairs.
  • Data Analysis Analyze historical sensor data in to identify trends, optimize water usage, and improve system efficiency.


In conclusion, the IoT water management system using ESP8266 and offers a comprehensive solution for efficient water usage and monitoring. By integrating sensors, microcontrollers, and cloud platforms, you can optimize water management, conserve resources, and ensure the smooth operation of water infrastructure.

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